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​2-Year-Old Program 

Early Childhood Center uses Creative Curriculum® to reflect our play-based philosophy and guide the teachers’ lesson planning as children develop through the years. We respect each child’s developmental progress and encourage growth in eight different areas including social and emotional development, problem-solving skills, literacy, math and science. Each age group provides unique opportunities for growth.


Within the broader framework of our curriculum for the whole child, some specific goals for our two-year-old program include


  • Spark a love of learning

  • Build the cornerstones of strong social and emotional skills

  • Ensure every child feels secure being in a school environment

2-Year-Olds exploring at ECC
A Love of Learning

ECC's curriculum for our two-year-old program reflects our play-based philosophy. Children learn through play. Our experienced teachers create exciting classrooms and lesson plans that engage two-year-old. Each classroom has developmentally appropriate centers that encourage exploration in


  • dramatic play

  • art

  • science

  • literacy

  • writing

  • math, and

  • construction


Teachers introduce children to letters, numbers, science experiments, art materials and reading in a way that sparks their imagination and interest. The children learn to understand the meaning behind the written word and numbers, and how these concepts represent the world around them in consequential ways.

Building a Foundation for Social and Emotional Development

Social and emotional development is such an important factor in successful learning and forming positive relationships with peers and adults. Throughout the day, teachers encourage children to


  • listen to others

  • follow directions

  • express themselves appropriately, and

  • operate as a member of a group


In the process of learning to express their needs and improve their language skills, children become more independent and increase their self-esteem. The group setting also offers opportunities for two-year-olds to develop empathy and tolerance. The independence and confidence they gain will set them up for future learning success.

Feeling Secure

We want each new child's transition to school to be as smooth as possible. To facilitate this process, ECC's two-year-old program has a gradual start.


  • For the first week of school, only half of the class attends at a time for one hour (the first morning with a parent and the second morning without a parent).

  • During the second week of school, the whole class attends for two hours without a parent.

  • For the third week of school, the children stay for the whole morning, including lunch. This schedule has proven very helpful for families as both the parents and children transition to a school schedule.

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