​3-Year-Old Program
Early Childhood Center uses Creative Curriculum® to reflect our play-based philosophy and guide the teachers’ lesson planning as children develop through the years. We respect each child’s developmental progress and encourage growth in eight different areas including social and emotional development, problem-solving skills, literacy, math and science. Each age group provides unique opportunities for growth.
Within the broader framework of our curriculum for the whole child, some specific goals for our three-years-old program include:
Develop independence and build self-expression skills
Strengthen social interactions with peers and adults
Explore the concepts behind early literacy, math, and problem solving techniques
Reinforce fine and gross motors skills
Independence and Self-Expression
As three-year-olds become more confident, their independence and self-expression grows. Class plans reflect the children’s eagerness to complete tasks independently and express themselves through language skills, the arts, and social interactions. Time is built into the daily schedule for children to learn self-help skills (putting on outdoor clothes, washing hands, cleaning up art messes, self-serving snack and lunch), classroom clean-up and community chores. Teachers work with the children to help them learn to express their thoughts about the world they explore. Opportunities abound for verbal and written language development and expressive art.
Strengthen Social Interactions
Teachers use several strategies to strengthen social skills in the classroom including modeling behavior and social stories. Social interactions really begin to develop in a new direction for three-year-olds. Friendships begin to develop and the children learn to express their needs and to listen to the ideas of their peers. Learning to share, take turns, negotiate and compromise and to express feelings in a positive manner are all part of this stage of their emotional development. We encourage children find words to express their emotions and appropriately express them when playing with others. Teachers take these opportunities to carefully observe and guide interactions.
Explore Early Literacy, Math and Problem Solving
Our curriculum supports engaging lessoning plans for teaching children the meaning behind words, letters, shapes and numbers. Teachers design a carefully balanced class schedule that combines appropriate time for teacher and child-initated activities. These activities encourage children to problem-solve and explore math concepts and the written word. Labeled materials with authentic writing, carefully placed manipulative materials, and reserved space for writing centers, science investigation and reading throughout the classrooms reinforce teacher directed activities.
Reinforce Gross and Fine Motors Skills
Class schedules build in lots of time for improving children’s gross and fine motor skills. ECC’s playground, located in a beautiful park-like setting, provides ample outdoor space for climbing structures, playing with balls, running, skipping, and riding bikes and scooters. During indoor time, children have creative movement time and plenty of center activities for strengthening fine motor skills, including specially designed art projects, sensory table investigation and table-top manipulative games.